The Little Girl In My Story

Sandy Gordon Frankfort
4 min readOct 27, 2022
Image: Sandy Gordon Frankfort

We each have a story to tell. It is never too late. Each piece and each phase contribute to the meaning and purpose of our existence. We can build a little each day. Thought by thought, step by step, line by line.

Persist until your authentic voice, truth, and courage are living and breathing. Persist until you are set free from a life that is unlived, unloved, unattempted, and unwritten. It begins with first, showing up. I am right here, right now, showing up to this moment, this life, and this page; with the same curiosity and wonder of this little girl who still resides within me.

I stumbled upon this photo the other day. It took me on a philosophical and significant journey through my existence up to this point. I’ve been profoundly staring into these virtuous and budding eyes; reflecting on who she was and who I stand before you as, today. I’ve been connecting the dots between that period of time and this moment right here and right now of which I am ever present.

At such an early age, I remember being so cognizant of time and how precious each moment was. What I believed to be an accelerated speed at which time was passing, I was acutely mindful of my gratitude. I recognized the gift of that then and I recognize it now. I attribute this benefit to the depth of my presence and awareness. This idea of time moving so quickly also inspired…



Sandy Gordon Frankfort

The Privilege of a Lifetime is Being Exactly Who You Are. Life is Life. Fight For It. ♥️